
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022


With a completely zero carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint, this revolutionary technology comes to modify the demand for energy and mobility on planet earth to achieve sustainable development and a smart economy.   But what is green hydrogen? It is a very sustainable energy alternative to the environment where, through the electrolysis of water, the hydrogen and oxygen molecules are separated to apply energy that can come from sources that are renewed and can be used in industry and vehicular mobility. In this sense, Costa Rica has the talent and the conditions to be able to venture into this revolutionary and ambitious field of friendly energy with the planet, which is so much needed globally. View of the Laguna de Hule Crater. Why is green hydrogen important? According to experts on the subject, both heavy trucks and the vehicle fleet contribute to about 40% of greenhouse gas emissions on the planet, and in this sense, the green hydrogen proposal allows to enhance the objective of...


  Con una huella de dióxido de carbono (CO2) completamente nula, esta tecnología revolucionaria viene a modificar la demanda de las energías y movilidad en el planeta tierra para lograr un desarrollo sostenible y una economía inteligente. Pero. ¿ Qué  es el hidrógeno verde? Es una alternativa energética muy sostenible con el medio ambiente donde mediante la electrólisis del agua, se separa la molécula de hidrogeno y oxígeno para aplicar energía que puede provenir de fuentes que se renuevan y las podemos utilizar en la industria y la movilidad vehicular. En este sentido Costa Rica cuenta con el talento y tiene las condiciones para poder incursionar en este revolucionario y ambicioso campo de energía amigable con el planeta, que tanto lo necesita globalmente. Vista del Cráter de la Laguna de Hule. ¿Porque es importante es hidrógeno verde? Según expertos en el tema, tanto camiones pesados y flota vehicular contribuyen en cerca de un 40 % de las emisiones de gases de efecto in...


  Según expertos, los anfibios son la clase de vertebrados más  vieja del mundo. Son especies que datan de más de 350 millones de años. Científicos alrededor del mundo han identificado cerca de 4000 especies entre sapos, tritones, ranas y cecilias ; este último es (un tipo de gusano que no presentan extremidades, son ciegos y subterráneos). De hecho esta última especie es considerada según la lista roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UINC), en categoría de, deficiencia de datos ( Data Deficient ), en Costa Rica existe una especie endémica de la cual se sabe muy poco su nombre científico ( Dermophis costarricense ). Esto nos indica que es necesario tomar acciones desde ahora y no dejar pasar más el tiempo mientras vemos como especies alrededor del planeta están desapareciendo sin contarse con información o genética sobre las poblaciones , por esta razón es necesaria mayor data para la comunidad científica. Considerando la realidad que vivimos...


  Did you know? 80% of natural wealth is protected by indigenous cultures. We thank the cultures that fight for a better world by protecting natural resources, the source of life for humanity. The diversity of cultures on the planet is of great value to the environment, for years and years aboriginal cultures have taught us the close relationship that has existed between human beings and mother nature. For example, Costa Rica is a multicultural and multiethnic country that enriches our history and at the same time supports and invests in the conservation of the environment, since as species we depend on air, soil, water, and other natural resources to coexist. Indigenous handicrafts made by handcrafters.  Within the framework of cultures, we must recognize and appreciate the contributions that cultures make in favor of the protection of natural resources , resources that we all need. Today, challenges such as climate change undoubtedly force us to be more aware of how we ar...


  There is nothing more rewarding than helping, the feeling, and the blessings that are received; neither money can buy it nor pay for it, it has no price it is invaluable. According to the 2019 Climate Action Summit, “we need more concrete plans, more ambition, more countries, and more businesses. We need all financial institutions, public and private, to choose the green economy once and for all” (United Nations, 2019). Today we are all paying the consequences of climate change together, no matter if you have money or not if you are big or small or where you live. More and more the planet cries out for great, wise, and visionary leaders in the world who make history, regardless of sex, race, or spiritual belief, what we occupy are green leaders, because if we do not unite as a species and act the consequences for us and future generations will be very lethal. Frontliners helping society due to climate change effects. Increasingly we see strong changes in temperature, forest fires...

The Amphibians are looking for help.

Amphibians are species that require our help. Will we have the ability to help them? Did you know that the Amphibian class plays a vital role in ecosystems? First, to coexist on the planet, these species had to adapt when moving from water to land, and in the process different changes occurred, for example: (1) the skeletal and locomotor systems adapted to the lack of support, (2) the respiratory organs were adapted to breathe gaseous oxygen and (3) their skin was adapted to conditions to withstand desiccation. However, these species still depend on water to be able to carry out their reproduction process. These small species are necessary to maintain the food chain of species such as birds or carnivores, amphibians are also very important bioindicators to assess the quality of ecosystems because their skin is permeable, and these species are very susceptible to contaminated environments or altered product of chemicals or other anthropogenic factors. A beautiful amphibian posing for th...

Endangered species, the squirrel monkey (Saimiri oerstedii).

  Let´s get to know a little about the Squirrel monkey (Saimiri oerstedii). Did you know? The squirrel monkey (Saimiri oerstedii) is listed as endangered by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) because its populations are declining. This species inhabits the Pacific of Costa Rica and conservation experts indicate that they have noticed that the species move to other altitudes. The question is. Is Climate Change promoting this? We do not know yet. The squirrel monkey (Saimiri oerstedii) These species prefer moist forests, near rivers, and secondary forests, they are insectivorous and frugivorous species. Its threat comes from the loss of forests for oil palm plantations (Elais guinensis) and wood such as Teak (Tectona grandis). For example, when these species are cut down, the monkeys lose their connection with the other forests in the areas protected by SINAC (National System of Conservation Areas), in addition to suffering electric shocks, hunting, or death on...